Posts Tagged ‘Web conferencing’

7 Money Making Models For Marketing Your Products With Webinars

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This article is a good start on webinars and how to use webinars to generate revenue for your business.  This model is a start on how to monetize your experience and knowledge.  These 7 models listed are the overview on what you can do to create additional revenue for your business.  Read on for some ideas.

[affmage source=”amazon” results=”2″]great webinar[/affmage]

1. Show and Tell – Show off your product on the Internet
– Use PowerPoint slides and Camtasia
– Show pictures, videos, ‘how to’ videos and software demos
– Use this as a pre-launch for your product (create hype)
– Give people a sneak peak of your product before they buy it

“Overcoming objections is the key to success on the Internet” – Steven Essa (e.g. you don’t have to come out of the house… I’ll come to you)

2. Interview the Experts
– Send them the questions via email
– You don’t even need to talk
– Send an email to your list announcing this week’s expert
– 14 weeks, 14 experts interviewed, 14 videos created, 14 transcriptions = your very own eBook & Video Bundle!
– Sell this product on your own sales page or website and do another webinar to promote it
– Use to broadcast your webinars

3. Paid Webinar Series
– Add your new recorded webinar series to your membership site offering prospects one interviewed expert per week
– This will create residual income and will keep the visitors to your site (they will return)
– Always survey your audience after your webinars (e.g. what did you think?)

4. Build Joint Ventures with other experts
– Create a 50/50 agreement
– Two people promoting a product means more attendees which means more sales

5. Info-product creation device
– As mentioned above you can create your own products with Webinars
– Transcribe videos
– Create articles to promote your product
– Have MP3’s created
– Videos are a great product
– Create an ‘exclusive report’ to build your opt-in list

6. Use a Webinar to up sell
– People prefer not to have to read things
– LONG sales pages can put a lot of people off – a lot of customers are lost this way
– E.g. “as you have brought this product on improving your golf would you like to attend my Webinar interviewing David Leadbetter next week for FREE”
– Then offer your back end product at the end of your Webinar (this could be a $997 set of DVDS)
– They will be more inclined to buy because they have seen you in the flesh

7. Offer Resale Rights
– Offer resale rights to your webinar series
– Creates a viral effect as the videos are still selling your product but someone else is promoting it
– Give them a clear reseller’s agreement with minimal pricing etc.
– Someone will always be more inclined to buy something if you are offering them a ROI or a business model to go with it (e.g. “If you sell just one of my Webinar series you will make your money back”)

I am going to conclude this blog post by giving you Seven Essa’s Big Webinar Tips…

1. Money is in Information
2. Track your list and provide great information and products (take surveys)
3. Keep it regular – weekly, monthly, daily

If you would like to learn more about Steven Esa and how he could dramatically help your Online Business please Click Here!

This Article was written by Luke Etheridge. Luke Etheridge is a normal guy from Surrey, UK who set out to achieve big things through various types of Internet Marketing. Throughout this period he has gained alot of useful info spending night and day researching the world of Internet Marketing and attending Internet Millionaire Bootcamps. He now shares his experiences and findings while warning others of what to look out for in his blog, Click Here to view Luke’s Blog

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How to attend a free workshop webinar

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Attending webinars is something that is becoming more common today as  the Internet is becoming more a part of people’s lives every day.  Webinars are one way that people can receive  training and keep up to date on topics that they have the most interest in.  Three are many kinds of webinars in almost any subject that you can think of.  Some of them are free, and some of them you have to pay for.  The main thing however, is to know when these webinars are occuring.

The best way to do this is to join a webinar notification service that keeps you up to date on webinars and teleseminars such as the one here which will email you  the webinars and teleseminars that are going on that day.  This is saves the subscriber the frustration of missing their favorite webinar as well as time in having to go out and search them all every day.

Another way is to find out about aggregator sites that list webinars as well.  These sites usually list paid webinars, but there are some other aggregator sites that list free webinars as well (besides this site).

Once you know the webinar that you want to attend and determine if it is free, you will need to register for the webinar (sign up) and then follow the rest of the instructions given by the webinar host for attending the webinar.  Depending upon the webinar platform it can be as simple as going to a specific web page, to having a program download to your computer and using that software to connect to the webinar.  Webinars are a bit more technical to attend than teleseminars because it requires the attendees being able to see the same thing on the Internet in real time behind a secure wall.

Another site that lists webinars free and paid is:

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Why You Should Use Webinars In Your Business

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Webinars are a great tool to use in your business and can provide many benefits for your business.  They are great as lead generators, revenue generators and also great for pre-sales.  Webinars are easy to put on as well as easy to do on a repeated basis with all of the affordable tools out there.  If you are a consultant or coach, webinars are a great way to generate new revenue streams for your business.  This post is about why webinars are a good thing to implement in your business.

Here are some videos about using webinars in your business.

How to Host Great Business Webinars

Discover how to host great business webinars with tips from Virtual Communication Coach Sheri Jeavons. Prior to even starting a webinar, there are a few things you should think about to make sure your everything runs smoot…

Webinars – A 21st Century Business Tool

Discover how this cost-effective technology can help your business or organization! Webinars are multi-media programs that enable you to view a presentation,training session, or infomercial from the comfort of your office or home. Available 24/7 via …

How To Conduct a Webinar – Prepare, Promote and Present Great Business Webinars Conducting a free webinar for your business clients can be the big gun in your sales and marketing arsenal. First, PREPARE by choosing the best webinar software for your needs. Dimdim is free for under 20 people. Webex and G…

Here is an article titled “Why Should You Offer Webinars in Your Business”

A “webinar” is a presentation delivered over the Web rather than face to face (i.e. Web + seminar). Webinars are the hot new way to deliver information, especially in this time of climate change awareness, corporate cost-cutting, emphasis on lifestyle and global access.

The two most obvious benefits of webinars are the savings in time and expenses – for both you and your participants. Everything is done from the comfort of your home or office; and the same applies for your audience.

But webinars offer more – much more. In fact, here are twenty-one other benefits of webinars.

  1. No geographical boundaries: You can reach the world, not just your own town, city or country.
  2. Build loyalty with existing clients: It’s an easy, low-cost leveraged way to add value and maintain your relationship.
  3. Invite prospects to attend: It’s a low-cost way to give them an experience of you before they “buy” you.
  4. Run it with small numbers: You don’t have to worry about getting minimum numbers to manage venues, handouts, catering and the like.
  5. Run it with large numbers: Again, you don’t have to worry about finding and booking a suitable venue, managing catering, allowing for parking, arranging the room, printing (or carrying!) enough handouts, and the like.
  6. Record it to create instant products: Many webinar services have a recording feature built in, so recording your webinar is a breeze. You can then turn that recording into a product – typically a DVD, video podcast or on-line video.
  7. Give people more access to you: A webinar is a low-cost way to interact with many people at the same time, while still offering great value.
  8. Point of difference: Few infopreneurs are using them; and even fewer are using them well. You can stand out by adding them to your service mix.
  9. Make a difference: Because of the global possibilities, you can reach people beyond your borders. And because of the low cost, you can reach people who wouldn’t be able to afford your other services.
  10. Do market research: Before each webinar, survey the attendees to discover their biggest questions, concerns, challenges and aspirations about your topic. This becomes invaluable market research for you, not just for the webinar itself but for your business in general.
  11. Test out new material: Because there’s less visual focus on you than in other presentation modes, you don’t have to spend as much time on stage presence. Instead, you can focus on the content, structure and flow. You can test new material and ask for feedback. You can even use copious notes, mind maps and other speaker aids, because you’re presenting from the privacy of your office.
  12. Live access for members-only site: If you run a membership site, it’s easy to lose the personal connection, which might have been the reason they signed up in the first place. One way to get back that personal connection, and still do it in a leveraged way, is through webinars.
  13. Provide product support: Use webinars to answer customer questions, explain how they can use the product more effectively, and get feedback for future enhancements.
  14. Supplement live events: Some webinars will replace live events, while others supplement them. For example, if you run a training program, it’s easy to offer a follow-up webinar for participants, say, 90 days later.
  15. Expose your database to guest experts: You don’t have to be the star of all your webinars. It’s the ideal format for you to bring in a guest presenter – somebody who serves the same market, but with a different area of expertise.
  16. Expose joint venture partners to your database: If you have a strong database and you know somebody else with a product ideally suited for that database, bring them in as a guest on a webinar. Because of the personal interaction, this is more effective than, say, just promoting their product in your newsletter or on your Web site.
  17. Easy to offer as a bonus / incentive: Offer webinar “seats” to anybody for any reason – for example, as a bonus for somebody who buys a product by a certain date; or an incentive for clients to make a booking before the end of the financial year.
  18. Short lead time: Because the logistics of webinars are so simple, you don’t have to plan them months in advance.
  19. Develop an on-line arm to your business: You become less committed to face-to-face presentations, giving you more opportunities for travel, leisure time and flexibility in your work flow.
  20. Replace high-cost face-to-face presentations in a tough economy: You can retain clients who would have otherwise cancelled bookings.
  21. Remain competitive: You manage the threat of other experts delivering your message to your clients over the Internet, which means you remain competitive in this “flat” world.

With all these benefits, why aren’t you adding webinars to your service offerings?

Gihan Perera is the author of “Webinar Smarts”, the smart way for professional speakers, trainers, thought leaders and business owners to deliver engaging and profitable webinars.

If you want to know how to reach the world with mic, screen and mouse, visit for your copy.

Here are some blog postings about using webinars in your business:

Gihan Perera: Ten Ways to Use Webinars in Your Business

Ten Ways to Use Webinars in Your Business. I recently made a presentation about webinars to CAPS, the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers, at their annual conference. Here is an extract from that presentation: …

Publish Date: 12/12/2010

Free Webinar Shows How to Use Web Conferencing to Grow Your

Web conferencing is an online tool that can help your business connect with potential customers and effectively showcase the products and services you offer.

Publish Date: 11/06/2010

Webinar and Teleseminar Resources
Create Residual Revenue From Your Webinars

How to Record Your Webinar Use these Professional Tips and Tricks!

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Webinars are a great way to get more exposure to your web site and business as well as a great  way to create additional product offerings or bonuses for your business as well.  Webinars can also be used to provide educational help to your target market.  One of the best ways to use webinars however, is to make sure they are recorded so that they can take advantage of the “do it once, get paid over and over again” type of product – or the residual income model.  Read on as the author talks about how to record your webinar so you can get the most advantage out of it.

Trying to record your webinar?

Let me show you a few tricks, but first, here are some reasons why you would want to record your webinar in the first place:

– Replays

Many people who couldn’t attend your webinar live are still interested in your products or services. So, providing a replay is a great way to get more sales and even have your customers pass the replay along to others virally.

– Product Creation

A webinar recording makes a great stand-alone product when you upload it to a password protected site or burn it to a CD.

– Training Module

This one is related to “product creation” above. Record a webinar so you can add the recording to an existing product or perhaps extra training on a specific topic. You could even record webinars and use them as bonuses to give away with the purchase of one of your major products.

So, how to record a webinar?

Some webinar hosting companies have a recording feature built in, but you always want your own recording as a back up. And strange as it may sound, your recording may higher quality.

Step 1: Login into your webinar host as the organizer and start your webinar

Step 2: Using a SECOND computer, login as an attendee to your own webinar

The second computer needs to have screen capture software such as Camtasia so that you can capture your webinar that is now showing on the screen. Screen capture software will capture all of the video and audio from your webinar – and allow you to turn it into whatever file type you need.

Step3: On your second computer that is recording your webinar, set your screen parameters and audio settings and hit “record”.

Make sure you set your audio to record “inline” and use a 1/8 to 1/8 audio jack to “trick” the computer into recording only the webinar and not your voice when presenting on the other computer. Otherwise you would have to out the recording computer in another room that is completely quiet!

But if you plug one end of the 1/8″ cable into the mic jack and the other end of the 1/8″ cable into the headphone jack, you can set the recording computer right next to you and even see in real time what your attendees are seeing. This helps with lag problems and is a great safety check when presenting live.

Step 4: When finished recording, render the file either to burn to a CD or for uploading to the Internet.

You can also spice up your recording by adding music on the front end and back end. Make sure to use royalty-free so you don’t get in trouble. You can also add a “call to action” on the web page that has your webinar replay. This way, they don’t have far to go when they watch your replay and want to buy!

So, record your webinars and start watching your online or offline business explode using webinars!

Stephen Beck is an expert at showing individuals and small businesses how to explode their sales using webinars! He invites you to an amazing FREE weekly webinar to discover tips on running your own webinar and how to record a webinar yourself. Hurry, these fill up fast! Lock in your spot here:

More on how to record a webinar:

How to record a webinar using Camtasia Studio

How to record a webinar using Camtasia Studio. I know this is a bit off topic from my usual, but I’ve talked to so many people about this and nobody seems to have a good solution. Here are the steps I use to get PERFECT video AND AUDIO …

Publish Date: 08/10/2010

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Webinar and Teleseminar Resources
Create Residual Revenue From Your Webinars

Mikogo Webinar Service – A Review

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Webinar applications are gaining greater foothold as a marketing or training tool among home-based businesses. Its low relative cost and the ability to connect people who are in geographic diverse locations make it a more attractive option than traveling to a common location. Webinars can also be used for troubleshooting sessions between an expert and a user.

One of the most useful features of a webinar application is the ability to view another user’s computer screen for troubleshooting or training. Often the communication can get confusing when using only the telephone especially if the customer is a novice computer user. Sometimes the communication can be imprecise and lead to misunderstanding. The confusion can be remedied by the use of a webinar as long as a fast internet is used such as DSL or a cable internet connection.

When working with a few people or a limited budget, free solutions can provide the answer. One of the more useful free webinar applications out there is Mikogo. I have been using Mikogo recently to troubleshoot a user’s installation issue and to perform a one-on-one training session. Mikogo is free to use and offers a simple interface to navigate. Simply sign up, install the application and start scheduling virtual meetings.

There is a limit of ten people who may join a Mikogo session so this is fine for small meetings and limited budgets. If the needs are to connect a larger group of people, then the fee-based applications is the way to go. There are a few big players to choose from such as WebEx, Adobe Connect or Go To Meeting. I have seen as many as 500 people join a WebEx session.

Live face to face meetings have additional advantages such as better audience engagement and deeper learning, but webinars have found their place as a supplement to live meetings to help reduce travel expenditures. They have also earned a valuable place as a troubleshooting tool for long distance assistance.

To see what Vence is up to, visit:

More on the Mikgo Webinar Service:

Mikogo Releases Mac Beta Version For Online Meeting Software

Mannheim, Germany March, 13 2009 – Mikogo has officially announced the availability of its latest version, Mikogo Beta for Mac computers, providing an. … Ideal for online meetings, Web presentations, webinars and more, the Beta version provides Mac users with a quick solution to start a meeting and invite both PC and other Mac users to view their screen in real-time over the Web. Mikogo’s cross-platform functionality also enables both Mac and PC users to join and view …

Publish Date: 07/07/2010

Mikogo: A friendly and easy-to-use tool for your online meetings

There’s a list of online meeting and conference tools and platforms offering really good services according with your needs and expectations. Today, we’ll review a new ease-to-use online meeting tool: Mikogo. According with the Official Website, … Mikogo can be employed for a range of professional, academic, or personal uses, including online meetings, product demonstrations, online presentations, remote support, or webinars. Provide online technical support for your …

Publish Date: 08/12/2009

Mikogo User Suggestions on Session Invitations |

i would like to be able to have mikogo as a service so i could reboot remotely, log off, etc. that being said, i agree with brett, it’s free and i love it as it is. Jeff on February 18, 2010 at 9:08 pm … letter that reminds the participants of the webinar? Trae on February 18, 2010 at 10:13 pm. To answer the question asked, I would like to see the session id imbedded in the URL in some fashion. I only ever do ad-hoc single user sessions and I usually send an email to …

Publish Date: 02/18/2010

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Create Residual Revenue From Your Webinars