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Instant Teleseminar – A Teleseminar Service That’s Come a Long Way

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I was on a call recently where the presenter was using Instant Teleseminar.  I was pleasantly surprised as to how far it has come over the years.  I always thought it was on the leading edge of teleseminar services since it came out with NConnects, but it has actually morphed into a semi teleseminar, semi webinar kind of functionality that gives the presenter more freedom in how they deliver the material.

What it has:

It has your standard teleconference features.  Everyone dials into a bridge line and can listen to the presenter and can also talk when in conference mode.  The presenter can also mute everyone and go into presentation mode as well. What has been added since the last time I have used the service (I admit it has been a few years), is the ability to show slides to everyone while they are listening to the presenter.  This is close to a webinar, however there are no features like polling,  being able to see the screen of the presenter, or marking up slides.  It does have a chat feature so participants can comment via chat, however the webinar i was on, the presenter asked for chat questions via Facebook.

The reason why it isn’t truly a webinar service is because it doesn’t have the big feature which is to be ability to share the presenter’s screen, or allow the participants to interact with the screen so they can click on active buttons to go to an order form right from the webinar presentation.

So what situations would it make sense to use Instant teleseminar over another solution?

When to use Instant Teleseminar:

If you are starting out, and wanting to make simple information products to sell or use as bonuses, then this is an ideal solution because you can record the session with the audio and the slideshow to create a video.  This works especially if you don’t need to go outside of the slides to a web browser or another program.  It works great when your knowledge can be shared via slides exclusively.  There is even a take action button at the end of the presentation that can guide participants to go to your sales page at the end of the webinar.  A lot of webinar programs don’t even have that functionality, although they can do it via chat to some extent.

If you have limited budget and are hosting a large number of people.  Instant teleseminar allows a large number of people to join the bridge line at a cost that is considerably lower than what most webinar service providers would charge.  For instance, the max price plan for Instantteleseminar is 197/month and that allows for 3000 web participants (listening through the website), and 500 phone participants (a total of 3500 participants).  A webinar service like Gotowebinar has their maximum plan at $499/mo for 1000 participants.  That is quite a difference in price if someone doesn’t require the features needed in a webinar service.

All in all, the ability to show slides during the presentation allows for much more flexibility for the presenter compared to a standard teleseminar service like

Find out more about Instant Teleseminar

Find out more about NConnects

Webinar and Teleseminar Resources
Create Residual Revenue From Your Webinars

Webinar Hosting – How to Get Set Up

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When you want to give a webinar, if you want it to turn out well, you will need to have a strategy and foundation in place that will allow you to conver

English: The Wikipedia logo for the purpose of...

English: The Wikipedia logo for the purpose of a webinar (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

t and create a greater source of revenue for your business.  This article discusses the services and products that will help you create a residual revenue generating webinar.  This article has most of the pieces, however it is missing out on the important things like having a webinar platform to do the whole webinar, and a webinar replay service to continue to create residual revenue.


Ready to host your own webinar? A webinar can be a great business tool to connect with your market, share ideas, show off your expertise, build your brand, grow your leads and make more sales.

Deciding to host a webinar is a smart move. The easy part is deciding to do the webinar, then comes the challenge of figuring out what to do next and how to get set up.

Before we get into how to set up a webinar, let’s touch on just what is a webinar:

A webinar is a live, interactive seminar or conference that is hosted online. A webinar can be hosting in a number of ways and there are various programs available both paid and free.

Now, let’s discuss some of the tools that you might need to host your own webinar:

– Telephone
– Three Way Calling
– Conference Call Line
– Audio Recording Software
– Audio Editing Software (if needed)
– Camtasia
– Webinar Software

How do you choose what setup is best for you?

When planning your webinar you’ll want to consider the following points:

– What tools are you comfortable with using right now – microphone? telephone? audio recording software?
– What webinar programs are you familiar with and like?
– What budget can you work with for hosting webinars?
– How often would you like to host your webinars?

Once you find the answers to these questions you’ll want to use them to research webinar programs for your online event.

Here’s how I do it when hosting a webinar:

1. I have what I want to say laid out in point form notes in front of me on the desk.
2. I use my laptop to log in to the webinar software so I can see what my students are seeing just in case there are any technical glitches.
3. I have my conference call in number ready as well as my audio acrobat call in number.
4. My Camtasia is set to record the screen.
5. My powerpoint (or open office) presentation is open and ready to go.

During Webinar:

1. Dial into conference line.
2. Dial into audio acrobat and start recording.
3. When I am ready to get started with the Camtastia recording I leave a silence and then say “OK, Let’s Get Started” so I can see where to match up the audio with the video when doing the editing.
4. Download the audio file and combine it with the video in the Camtasia editing software.
5. Notify list that download is ready to go.

The process above would need to be modified depending on which software you are using to host your webinar. Some programs host your event completely online which would eliminate the need for a telephone line, audio acrobat and camtasia recordings.

Want to learn more about hosting your own virtual events? I’d like to invite you to download a free Virtual Event Checklist to help you get the most out of your next webinar, teleseminar or online conference.

Grab your free checklist, no email opt-in necessary by visiting this link:

Good luck hosting your next webinar!

Author: Angela Wills, Marketers Mojo

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Create Residual Revenue From Your Webinars

Practical TeleSeminar Secrets – The Top 3 Benefits of Adding TeleSeminar Marketing in Your Business

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A great marketing avenue that has been proven to be more effective than sales letters is teleseminars (and webinars).  This additional marketing means can increase your revenue stream into your business and allow your businesses to become more profitable.  There are other benefits as well  to using teleseminars to market your business.  This article will get into some of these benefits to give you more ideas on marketing your business.


TeleSeminar Marketing is a great way to increase your sales and profits, especially during economic slumps. While that is easy to say, now I’m going to prove it to you by identifying and explaining the top 3 benefits of adding TeleSeminar Marketing to your marketing mix.

Top 3 Benefits of TeleSeminar Marketing

While there are many, many advantages of TeleSeminar Marketing, here are the top 3 in my experience:

TeleSeminar Marketing Benefit #1 – One to Many – The traditional model of marketing and sales is the one to one model. One person sits down with or gets on the phone with one other person to try to market to them and make a sale.

It’s truly amazing to me how so many people still follow the one to one model, even online. The one to many model is simple more efficient and reaches for people in the same amount of time.

When you hold a teleseminar, you are the one and your audience is the many. Would you rather reach one person at a time and make one sale or reach many people at one time and make many sales?

TeleSeminar Marketing Benefit #2 – The Spoken Word – Have you ever had writer’s block? You know, that fun frustrated feeling you get when staring at a blank computer screen, all the while knowing that you have to and want to write something, yet you don’t seem to be able to write a word.

We’ve all been there.

Yet have you ever had speaker’s block? Unlikely, isn’t it? So why not write with your mouth instead of your hands? Speak your content live, then have it transcribed and repurposed.

This one distinction can help you shift from a blocked perfectionist into a prolific content creator.

TeleSeminar Marketing Benefit #3 – Marketing Intimacy – This is one of my favorite benefits. Think about it with me for just a moment. When someone visits your web page studies show that they are often there for less than a minute, if that long. When someone is listening to the sound of your voice on a teleseminar, you have their attention for 30, 45, 60 minutes or more.

This is true marketing intimacy, and out distances any other form of online marketing for true marketing intimacy.

Bonus Tip: Ask teleseminar attendees to respond to a question on your Facebook Fan Page, and you have now entered into a dialogue, which further increases your marketing intimacy.

And to get your Free Instant Access to many more powerful tips just like these, you can visit

You can also ask me your most important question there as well…

From Alex Mandossian and

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Create Residual Revenue From Your Webinars

Webinar Marketing – 7 Tips for Success Marketing With Webinars

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Webinars are a great way to market your products and services in a powerful manner.  They provide the participants with a

Inbound Marketing Strategies Supporting a Succ...

Inbound Marketing Strategies Webinar Marketing

taste of what it would be like to work with you, and what your abilities are to help them.  They do require a bit more effort to produce compared to a teleseminar, however they have the ability to convert people much better as well as create a better product with the video recording.  This article gives some great tips on how to use webinars to market your products or services. Read on for more.

Webinars – also called web conferences – are a highly effective content marketing tactic. In fact, a recent B2B Content Marketing study gave them an extremely high effectiveness rating, second only to in-person events.

And while in-person events can be costly, webinars can be conducted inexpensively through services such as WebEx or ReadyTalk and repurposed extensively, making them one of the best marketing values around.

But how do you market successfully with webinars? Here are seven tips for success…

1. Take off your marketing hat

Though webinars have a huge potential to generate leads, you cannot approach them from a “marketing” perspective. Instead, focus on ways to deliver value to your target prospects. Examples of good webinar topics include updates on new industry regulations, primers on new industry trends and strategies for increasing profitability. The more specific the topic and useful the information, the greater your webinar’s chance of success.

2. Make it enticing

A great title is essential for gaining webinar attendance. Consider the value of the webinar from your prospect’s perspective and craft your title around that value statement. For example, a webinar on new regulations for pharmaceutical companies targeted to Chief Financial Officers might be “Calculating the Financial Impacts of New Pharmaceutical Regulations”.

3. Generate plenty of publicity

There’s nothing worse than hosting a party that no one shows up to – that’s why it’s critical to put lots of effort into publicizing your webinar. Enlist a copywriter’s help to craft an enticing email invitation and consider sending a direct mail letter to some carefully selected new prospects as well. Promote your webinar on your home page, through your social media accounts and even enlist the help of your sales team to call potential attendees, if appropriate.

4. Simplify signup

Once interested prospects visit the webinar attendance page, don’t overwhelm them with a complex signup form. Whittle your form down to the bare minimum your sales team will need to follow up with participants once the webinar is complete. Don’t use your signup form to qualify leads; it will only be a turnoff to potential prospects.

5. Send reminders

Sending one email within 24 hours of your event reminding prospects of the webinar’s value proposition is a good idea, but don’t send more than two reminders or you may be seen as annoying.

6. Practice makes perfect

Your webinar is a reflection of your company, so when W-Day rolls around your presentation needs to be polished and professional. Have your presenters rehearse in front of an audience before the event takes place, familiarize yourself with your webinar technology and have a backup plan in place in case something goes wrong. The best way to learn what makes a good webinar is to attend several yourself – organizations such as the American Marketing Association offer a steady stream of webinars for marketing professionals.

7. Reuse and repurpose

While webinars are live events, they can be used for a long time to come. Including an archive of your webinars is a good idea; you might also reserve a few and send out the webinar archive link as a special “treat” for your prospect list on occasion. Additionally, consider enlisting the help of a copywriter to convert the content of your webinar into an informative white paper.

Megan Tsai is a seasoned communicator and award-winning writer. As a full-time freelancer, she provides business writing, copywriting and marketing communications for companies and advertising agencies.

Visit to learn more and sign up for the Red Wagon Writing monthly e-mail newsletter full of writing and marketing tips.

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Using Automatic Webinar Replay Software: It Makes You Money While You Sleep

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The good thing about marketing online is that many of the functions can be automated.  this is also true for webinar marketing.  The old saying

of “do it once and get paid over and over again” really plays well in this scenario.  There are many services that allow you to take create scheduled webinar replays. This article is about how using these services can make you that residual income wile you sleep.

Webinar Replay Software

Learning to use automatic webinar replay software to run your sales webinars is a powerful tool that’s guaranteed to boost sales for your web business. Although it may sound too advanced to use at first, this new technology has become extremely user-friendly over the years. Don’t delay with implementing this into your business plan – here’s why.

One of the first things that come to mind when using automatic webinar replay software is the amount of time you could be saving. Running a business successfully often depends on an individual’s ability to manage time. By using these new systems, you are effectively quadrupling (if not more) the amount of time you will be saving while maintaining your webinars. The first time you set up you automated webinar – is your last. After that, your webinar events are guaranteed to run automatically for as long as you like. The days of stressing about setting up each and every event are all behind you now. You’re all set to run your event automatically for as long as you wish, and without ever having to tend to the configuration portion of the setup again.

Other great reasons to start utilizing this new tool include incredible customer service and tech support. You can now enjoy the comfort of knowing that your webinars are being played on servers that are being maintained by a team of professional technicians, twenty-four hours a day. And, many times the service provider will actually do other setup functions as well, which is great for you since it minimizes your workload even further. When you take all of these great services into account, it’s easy to see why making the transition is so critical. The primary concern for most presenters of webinars is the technical side of things – using automatic webinar replay software to set up your events eliminates that concern. Reducing your involvement with webinar setup to a minimum of a few steps is now the norm every single time.

Everyone has an opportunity to try these new methods with their business, because the pricing for these services is surprisingly affordable. Getting started with these new systems now makes perfect sense. You’ve really got to try out automatic webinar replay software if you’ve missed your chance up to this point. They can literally double your income while freeing up a lot of time for you to create new products or just do whatever you like. If you’ve been considering testing out this new technology – now is the time.

Stealth Seminar is my favorite automated webinar tool – and it’s affordable to almost everyone.

Visit now for free resources, including the 9 Easy Ways You Can Skyrocket Your Income Using Automated Webinars, and the Little Black Book of Automated Webinars – both free.

Webinar and Teleseminar Resources
Create Residual Revenue From Your Webinars