Posts Tagged ‘teleseminar problems’

Can You Avoid These 10 Common Problems That Occur During Teleseminars?

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When you are giving a teleseminar, a lot of things can go wrong.  It doesn’t mean that you are doing a bad job, many things that go wrong are out of your control, so you just take them as they come.  If you know about these things before hand, you can do something about it when it occurs.  In this article, the author discusses some of the things that can go wrong in a Teleseminar.  Read on for these issues, so you can have some contingency plans to limit any possible losses.

So you’ve decided to host a teleseminar. That’s great!

Before you host your event it’s a good idea to take a deeper look into what can go wrong and how to handle it. There are many issues you can have at a teleseminar that range from technical details to problem attendees to self-imposed problems.

Here are 10 common problems that occur during teleseminars and how to quickly handle them.

1. Your conference call in line isn’t working – Let’s just tackle one of the most difficult issues first. From time to time the conference call lines have down time, glitches or some unknown issue. The first thing to do is find out as much information as you can to see if only one person or multiple people are having a problem. Then work quickly to resolve it. You may need to quickly switch lines, call customer service or host the call at another time.

2. Background noise – A very common problem on teleseminars is that guests call in with background noise. This is very distracting to the speaker and listeners. A good solution to this is to use the conference call lines mute button to mute out the entire line while speaking and then open it up again when you have discussion or questions.

3. Latecomers – Depending on how casual or formal your call is latercomers may or may not disrupt your call. The best thing to do here is again to mute out the line so late guests can’t interrupt and ask to be caught up.

4. Distractions – If you work from home distractions are everywhere. The baby might wake up, the phone might ring, there might be a knock at the door. Make sure to prepare for all possible distractions.

5. Conference recording doesn’t work – I’ve been hosting my own events sometimes when the conference recording doesn’t work. The best way to fix this and avoid having to re-record your entire event is to have a back up recording. If you use a free conference call line to create your teleseminar you will possibly have a free recording available with the service. I would use that as well as a backup program like Audio Acrobat.

6. Speaker doesn’t show – Make sure you confirm with your speakers at least one week before (if you scheduled well in advance) as well as a few hours before the call. Don’t let it slip their mind!

7. Guests don’t show – What if you schedule a teleseminar and you get sign ups but no one actually shows up. If you have promised to get a recording out to your guests do the call anyway as if people were there. No matter what you’ll now have a valuable recording to get out to your target market.

8. Tired voice – If you will be talking for a while you may start to notice your voice getting tired and your through getting dry. Avoid this by having a glass of water on your desk to sip in between talking.

9. Guest interruptions – You may have guests who are overly excited about your topic or genuinely disagree with you and fee they must voice their opinion. If it is time for conversations or questions then by all means allow it but if you are on a schedule and need to move on just reply quickly and tell them you must move on out of respect for all the guests so you can get all the information covered.

10. Forgetting what you’re talking about – Everyone gets nervous from time to time but what you don’t want to do is go completely off track. The best way to have a completely natural flow to your teleseminar is to be prepared. Know what you want to talk about and create point form notes to cover as you go.

There you have 10 common problems with teleseminars. Don’t let these issues scare you away! Now you’ll be even more prepared and ready to tackle any issue that comes up before anyone even notices it’s happened.

Now I’d like to invite you to come learn the ins and outs of setting up your own teleseminar. If you love to connect with people and talk with your potential customers then hosting teleseminars will be a perfect match for you.

All you need to do is enter your name and email in the following form to get signed up for your free weekly email tips:

More on Teleseminar Issues:

Raising Perceived Value and Your Teleseminar Price Tag – Ecademy

But if you can share the mistakes that you’ve made, to save your audience the time and grief that can come when they make those same mistakes, you will increase the perceived value of your teleseminar. • Save your audience some time. …

Publish Date: 05/23/2010

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