Posts Tagged ‘branding’

Using Teleseminars for Passive Residual Branding

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This is a new topic, passive residual branding.  If you want to be considered an expert in your field, branding is a necessary component to have in your business.  The more branding you have, the more are are looked at as an expert.  Teleseminars can be used for that purpose especially if you record them and let them continue to work for you over and over again.  In this article, the author, Alex Mandossian  talks about teleseminars and how to use them to brand yourself.  Read on for more.

You can create passive residual income with teleseminars. I like passive, residual income, but guess what? Passive, residual branding is more powerful. That’s because it’s longer term and has more impact. And you can create passive residual branding in 3 easy steps.

3 Easy Steps

Step One – Conduct a teleseminar – Choose a topic in your niche and deliver good solid information that your listeners can take action on immediately.

Step Two – Record the teleseminar – This is so much easier to do than it used to be. Most teleseminar hosting companies will do this for you for free or for a fee, or you can do it yourself on your own computer.

Step Three – Offer the replay – Make the replay available to your list of listeners. In this way hundreds of people can listen long after the call is over.

Passive Residual Branding

Passive, residual branding is what teleseminars can do for you through your replay. The audio version of a telseminar training can be listened to hundreds even thousands of times, because of passive, residual branding. This type of branding is really a new concept as a result of teleseminars.

Branding strictly with income is a zero sum game, meaning when I give you a dollar, you have a dollar and I’ve lost a dollar. But with the right kind of branding and if I’m branded and so are you, we both have a brand that keeps expanding and amplifying.

Branding is not a zero sum game. It amplifies and get’s bigger. Entire careers have changed because of branding. You can do it now with teleseminars.

And are you ready to learn more about how I do it?

Then I invite you to check out to claim your access to over 4 hours of my TeleSeminar Secrets Training.

Look for the TeleSeminar Secrets logo…fair enough?

From Alex Mandossian and

More on Teleseminar Branding:

5 Simple Steps to Holding Your Own Teleseminar

Once you’ve got one teleseminar under your belt they just get easier and easier. The sooner you get them going, the sooner you can literally begin creating cash on demand in your business.

Publish Date: 04/23/2010

Webinar and Teleseminar Resources
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