Posts Tagged ‘Automation’

How to Record a Live Webinar and Then Automate Replays for A Never-Ending Stream of Profits

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Webinars are a great way to generate interest, revenue and exposure for your business.  When done consistently, they provide the most benefit for a business.  There can be time consuming so the trick here is to create a webinar strategy that generates the most amount of income for the least amount of effort.  The best way to do that is to take advantage of webinar replay software that will allow you to replay recorded webinars and continue to generate profits.  Read on as this article describes how.

If you’re putting on live webinars for your new clients or leads every month, every week, or even every day, you absolutely must learn to incorporate automation to lower your workload. If you’re putting on essentially the same material, you only need to do it once and then you can create the look and feel of a live event but set it on automatic replay for future leads. Here’s how to record a live webinar once, and then automate replays for a never ending stream of profits.

1. Record the next webinar you do live. If you’re not familiar with how to do this, it’s very simple. You can use a screen capture software, or the service you are using now to broadcast your webinar probably has a record feature.

2. Make sure you don’t use any time-sensitive language in your webinar. For instance, don’t say “good morning” or “okay, it’s 3 o’clock and time to start wrapping up.” And of course, don’t refer to the weather or any current events, upcoming or recently passed holidays, etc. Make sure the event is timeless.

3. Pack your webinar with all the info you want your new leads to have. Since you only want to have to do it once, try your best to not leave anything out. The good news is, you’ll be able to edit your recorded webinar, so just try to make sure you get everything in there. You can edit out anything “fluffy” or repetitious.

4. Sign up for an automated webinar playback service. They are affordable, and very easy to use. This service will allow you to set up when you want your webinar to play – whether it’s a certain time each week, like Wednesday nights at 8 pm, or every day at 9 am. You can also tweak other settings, add an interactive question/answer box, add a countdown timer, and things like that.

5. Add your new automated webinar to your autoresponder series. Figure out when you want your new leads to be introduced to the webinar and insert it into your autoresponder sequence.

Now you’re set up to make money while you’re out bowling with the kids. A lot of people resist this step because they’re intimidated by the set-up process (it’s easy!), or because they fear that they really need to be present on all their webinars. You don’t need to worry about these things. They’re “tried and true.” The truth is, if you use your newly created free time to add more value for the customer to your current products and create new ones, you’re making great use of your time.

Stealth Seminar is my favorite automated webinar tool – and it’s affordable to almost everyone.

Visit now for free resources, including the 9 Easy Ways You Can Skyrocket Your Income Using Automated Webinars, and the Little Black Book of Automated Webinars – both free.

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Webinar and Teleseminar Resources
Create Residual Revenue From Your Webinars